
Machines that make sense.

We build state of the art machine learning models to help companies turn their data into revenue. We use neural networks to solve the most challenging problems of businesses today.


Recommendation Engines

Find out cross selling and up selling opportunities. Boost your sales.

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Time Series Forecast

Find out how many products you will sell tomorrow, this week or this month.

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Text Sentiment Analysis

Learn the feelings of customers towards your products. Analyse thousands of customer reviews in no time.

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Text Classification

Categorize emails, documents. Forward each customer service request to related people automatically.

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Image Recognition

Find out what is present in each picture or video frame. Automate your quality control processes.

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Image Segmentation

Image recognition with pixel level accuracy.

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Recommendation Engines.

Have you ever thought of the missed sales opportunities when you try to fit all of your customers in a few segments? Every single customer is unique. They have their own preferences, they have their own taste. That taste usually does not perfectly fit into one of those few segments.

Now it is possible to serve each of your customers to their liking. Recommendation engines enable you to know what each of your customers would like to buy next. This knowledge opens a whole lot of possibilities for your marketing and sales campaigns.

If you have a customer loyalty program, our recommendation engine can predict which products your each customer is willing to buy and the price they are willing to pay for it. Depending on this prediction our software can make tailor made campaings for each of your customers. And eventually increasing your sales.

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Time Series Forecast.

Just like weather forecasts, it is possible to forecast sales trends for the future to an extent. Forecasting future sales provides companies to plan accordingly and be ready for a sudden increase in sales.

Up to now, companies, in order to avoid stock outs, used to stock more than necessary items. Eventually this leads to unnecessary costs for the goods that wait in the stocks.

Using neural networks to predict sales for each SKU ensures you always have the necessary amount of products in your stocks and no more.

Time series forecast is also useful for energy demand prediction which enable energy production facilites to optimize their production.

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Text Sentiment Analysis.

Social media presents a huge opportunity for getting customer feedback. There are millions of comments written every day by customers for different products and companies. It is a challenge to keep track of the comments about you on social media channels.

Neural networks give the best possible results when it comes to predicting customer sentiment from unstructured texts. Our software can read through thousands of reviews each day and gives you a picture of your presence on social media.

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Text Classification.

Our text classification models can save you a lot of time and effort by classifying your documents and routing your internal communication.

Our models can direct each customer request or email to the related party instantly. Thus reducing your time to return to each your customer and increasing customer satisfaction.

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Image Recognition.

Before the age of neural networks, image recognition was a task, computers never had a chance against humans in terms of accuracy. Even classifying an image as a cat or a dog was a great challenge.

After 2015 neural network algorithms reached and surpassed the point of human level accuracy in classifying images.

We implement image recognition and image detection models which can help you optimize your workflows. We can automate your quality control processes, your attendance system or integrate our models to your security camera systems.

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Image Segmentation.

Image segmentation is the ultimate point of image recognition and detection. It is image recognition with a pixel level precision.

Image segmentation algorithms can seperate an object from its background. If you are taking lots of product pictures. You can easily seperate your products from their background.

Image segmentation also helps doctors in medical diagnosis by scanning X-rays, CT scans, MR images, pathology samples and by highlighting points of possible anomalies.

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